Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Initial Service Learning Reflection

The Kentucky Center for Smoke-Free Policy is an organization rooted in informing the general public of the dangers of smoking and the effects of second-hand smoke and radon in a community and especially in one's home.  This organization performs many studies and conducts a great deal of research to enable the public to take their health seriously and work to promote a safer and healthier environment for all people.

After meeting with Monica Mundy, the Technical Assistance Coordinator for the Kentucky Center for Smoke-Free Policy, our service learning group received great insights into what we could expect to be helping with throughout the semester.  The majority of service with our site will be done during the month of November which is when our group members will most likely be at tables around campus giving out information about the dangers of tobacco smoke and the benefits of smoke-free communities.  There will also be a celebration in November in order to honor the 7th anniversary of the University of Kentucky's campus becoming smoke-free.  In addition to our work in November, throughout the semester, our group will be assisting the leaders of the organization to produce social media campaigns and slogans mainly posted on Facebook and Twitter.

The Kentucky Center for Smoke-Free Policy's Twitter campaign mainly focuses on promoting laws that help create smoke-free communities within Kentucky.  Additionally, they focus on the dangers of eCigs and second hand smoke, along with drawing positive attention to venues, individuals/organization, and signs that promote smoke-free living.  By adding links and hashtags to their tweets they give individuals the opportunity to read and learn more about the dangers of smoking and the benefits of creating smoke-free communities.  One example of the interesting ways they grab the attention of the public while commending a smoke-free community was in their tweet from July 4!
KCSP regularly tweets promoting new campaigns and breakthroughs in legislation regarding Anti-smoking policy.

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