Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Initial service learning reflection post


The Kentucky Center for Smoke Free is an organization that is focused on the surveys and research conducted throughout time. They have factual information to back up the cause that it stands for, which is reducing the use of tobacco and second-hand smoke. This is a serious organization with devoted people who are striving for the same goal. These people are all positive and I can tell that they want the best for society. This organization wants people to know the health risks and danger they are putting their bodies through.
            The first meeting with Monica Mundy was informational and reassuring as to what we are going to be working towards. At first we will have to help sort through files to prepare for the organization’s move. But after that is done, she informed us that we would spending a lot of our time campaigning on social media for taking care of your lungs. We are going to be creating various ads and promotional flyers to support the cause of keeping our lungs healthy. We will be creating Facebook pages and posting tweets on twitter to further spread the word of our organization and get people more educated. Monica also told us that the bulk of our volunteering would be done in November, which is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. During this month we will be mainly at tables all over campus to inform the students about Lung Cancer and how to keep them as healthy as possible. Also, there will be a sort of festival to honor the 7th anniversary of the Kentucky Smoke free at the University. It will be an opportunity for students to play games, and win prizes while acknowledging the organization’s purpose for smoke free policy.

Many people are unaware of all the hazardous effects any type of smoke has on a person’s body, so I’m excited to inform people and make them aware.  This organization makes people aware and it has factual evidence to back it up. It has conducted surveys on the hazardous effects of second-hand smoke, providing strategies on how to have cleaner air indoors, and intervention from lung cancer. In addition they educate people on the link between lung cancer and radon, which is a radioactive gas in the air. Also, by using Facebook and Twitter, they are able to appeal to many teenagers and kids these days because everyone is always on social media sites. They tweet personal and intense statistics or pictures to draw attention to the people scrolling through. For instance one picture (above) the KYsmokefree tweeted as the caption: What would you miss more: your children or your cigarettes?

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