Saturday, December 5, 2015

Third Reflection with KCSP

Finally, things have turned around and my group members and I were able to complete some hands-on service hours.  November 19th was the Great American Smokeout which was essentially a smoke-free tailgate.  The morning began with handing out cards for the Kentucky Center for Smoke-free policy all around campus.  Next came the actual tailgate.  The tailgate was at a great location and had lots of interesting things to catch UK students’ eyes.  In the center there were tables set up that displayed information about the dangers of smoking.  There were also games and prizes you could win within the circle of tables. Another great part was the board that you could write a note on that was against smoking and in turn, you got a free t-shirt.  There was also plenty of chili and hot chocolate to go around, which I know many people definitely enjoyed.  Additionally, there was a s’mores table! This was where students could walk up, grab a premade bag of s’mores ingredients and roast their own marshmallow in order to make their s’mores.  I was lucky enough to work this table for almost the entirety of my time that day.  I have to say I think that was probably the most fun table at the tailgate because everyone was so amazed they could roast their own marshmallow.  While they were doing so, we were able to talk to them about trying to stop tobacco smoking and just about everyone we talked to admitted they had never smoked before!  At one point, some of the cheerleaders came and started talking on the microphone to people on their way to class which really lightened the mood.  Overall, the tobacco-free tailgate was a success.

These awesome s'mores packages were a hit and many took some to go.

Getting to see all that goes into the planning of these events and the volunteers and all they do was amazing and I wish we had gotten to do more events like the tobacco-free tailgate this semester.  I definitely feel that the tailgate helped raise awareness for smoke-free policy and was able to help discourage people from smoking.  I am excited to see what the KCSP has in store for the future.
These tables were informative and fun for all passers-by.


  1. How much work does Kentucky Smoke Free do outside of UK's campus?

    1. Kentucky Smoke Free actually does the majority of their work outside of campus. They mainly work on trying to get smoke-free legislature passed throughout the state.
